Ennea-Type Structures: Self-Analysis for the Seeker

by Dr. Claudio Naranjo, M.D.



Quality trade paperback, 192 pages

Enneatype Structures

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A manual of character types, appropriate for typing oneself, with the author's recommendations for a beginning program of transformation using the enneagram material. Introduction by E.J. Gold, illustrated with caricatures and diagrams.

Ennea-type Structures is celebrated as the first book that Dr. Naranjo published on the enneagram of personality types. The author acknowledges here the source for this system, Oscar Ichazo and the Arica Institute. However, later in his career as therapist, teacher, and lecturer, Dr Naranjo stated that the detailing of the nine personality types, the elaboration of the character traits and fixations for each type, and the subtleties of type blends and relationships along the lines of the geometric enneagram figure--were Naranjo's own contributions. He was able to elaborate this universal and subtle tool due to his professional training as an M.D. and a psychiatrist; his additional advanced training with Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy) and Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche (Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism); and his decades of clinical practice as a therapist using ALL of the above!

Claudio Naranjo is the originator responsible for the launch of a global movement focused on the enneagram of personality types as a therapeutic tool. Readers will find in this introductory book that--like his mentor and colleague, Oscar Ichazo--Naranjo adds to the practice of character typing a focus on what he calls "ontic obscuration," a dimension of therapy and self-examination directed towards the experience of pure Being, the province of "transpersonal psychology."

Gateways would like to honor Claudio Naranjo here after his passing in July, 2019, and to let his readers know that his SAT Institute (Seekers After Truth) is still offering trainings in the U.S. and in Spain. His main Spanish publisher, Ediciones La Llave, is translating into English additional books by Dr. Naranjo published in Spain--so you can look forward to new titles by this influential author coming out from Gateways Books and Tapes as well as several other U.S. publishers in the next few years.