Any Game Cookbook

Recipes for Spiritual Gaming

by Claude Needham



Any Game Cookbook

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A Few Words About Any Game Cookbook

Introduction to The Any Game Cookbook: Expanding Perspectives Through Frames

Welcome to a world where the roll of dice and the shuffle of cards are not just components of game night, but opportunities for profound personal exploration. "The Any Game Cookbook" invites you to add new layers to your perception--new frames through which you can view and engage with any game, and consequently, with the world around you.

One of the unique aspects of the frames presented in this book is their additive nature. Rather than requiring you to dissect or discard your existing perspectives, these recipes simply introduce an additional lens through which to experience the gameplay. This approach is non-intrusive yet transformative, allowing for the coexistence of new and old frames, creating a rich tapestry of experience that is both familiar and thrillingly novel.

Each frame, or recipe, offers a subtle shift in how you interact with the game elements, but the magic lies in the simplicity of implementation. You are not asked to unlearn what you know or feel; instead, you are invited to layer another dimension on top of it and observe the interplay of dynamics that ensue. This method encourages a natural evolution of awareness without the resistance that often comes with forced change.

As you apply these new frames--whether it be viewing your actions as if you were a character in a performance with "Stage Presence" or reminding yourself of your here-and-now involvement with "I Am Here"--you allow the game to become a space of limitless possibilities. Each added frame is a portal to not just a new way of playing, but a new way of seeing, thinking, and experiencing.

Thus, open this book and choose a frame not as a replacement for your worldview, but as an enhancement, an experiment, a playful addition to your cognitive toolkit. Watch as the familiar becomes extraordinary, and the ordinary games become platforms for unexpected insights and delights.

Let each game challenge not just your strategic skills, but also your perceptions, inviting a dance between what is known and what can be discovered. Play, perceive, and transform--may the games expand your mind as much as they entertain.

From back cover:

"In The Any Game Cookbook you'll find a bountiful buffet of spiritual exercises; a veritable smorgasbord of gaming recipes. Each recipe is designed to transform the playing of any game into a spiritual gaming experience."

"Ordinarily playing a game is... well... um, ordinary."

"However, with the application of a recipe from this book, you can transform playing any of those aging games gathering dust in the hall closet into a new gaming experience -- a spiritual gaming adventure."

"This book is intended as a door opener, an opportunity for you to explore your experience."

"This book is an invitation for you to take a guided tour of your spiritual nature. "

"Inside these pages you will find a collection of exercises, assorted activities, rule modifications, and mentations designed to turn any gaming experience into a spiritual adventure."

A Reader's Perspective

Any Game Cookbook helped me to realise that it's possible to do spiritual work in my every day life. It's ideal for those who long to play for a greater purpose than winning.